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The complaint process

Write to our Designated Agent with the following details if you think any content on a Buopso service has violated your copyright or another intellectual property right.


  •  A physical or electronic signature from the representative of the party who has the power to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property right that is allegedly being violated;

  •  A description of the work protected by copyright or other piece of intellectual property that you assert has been violated;

  •  Identification of the allegedly unlawful material, including information that would permit its location and, if available, the URL of the allegedly unlawful material;

  •  Information that would help us reach you, like your home or work address, phone number, and (if available) email address;

  •  A declaration from you to the effect that you sincerely think the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law does not authorise the use of the infringing material in the way complained of;

  •  A declaration from you that the information in your communication is true and that you have the owner's permission to act on their behalf, made under oath and under penalty of perjury.

  • Your notice should be delivered to our Designated Agent for Notice of Claims of Infringement of Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights at the address below with the aforementioned information included for it to be effective.


BUOPSO Designated Agent (IPR complaints) Block B, Plot 92, Sushant lok, Gurugram, 122009 Haryana, India +918046107677


Please be aware that Section 512(f) of the Copyright Act may impose penalties on you if you intentionally claim that any material or behaviour is infringing.

Procedure for Counter-notice

Please contact our Designated Agent in writing if you are a subscriber and believe that any content you may have placed on a Buopso service was incorrectly removed. Include the following details:


A statement made by you under penalty of perjury stating that you believe in good faith that the material was removed or disabled as a result of error or incorrect identification of the material to be removed or disabled; identification of any material posted by you that has been removed or to which access has been disabled; your physical or electronic signature;

 your name, address, phone number. You must also agree to accept service of process from the person who provided notification of infringement or his agent.

Your counter-notice should be sent to our Designated Agent for Notice of Claims of Infringement of Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights at the address below with the aforementioned information included for it to be effective.


BUOPSO Designated Agent (IPR complaints) Block B, Plot 92, Sushant lok, Gurugram, 122009 Haryana, India +918046107677

Please be aware that Section 512(f) of the Copyright Acts may apply to you if you willfully represent that material was removed or activity was disabled due to an error or incorrect identification. Please be aware that it is company policy to cancel the accounts of subscribers who consistently violate copyright or other third-party rights.


IPR Policy

IPR Policy

Safeguarding Intellectual Property on Our Platform. Buopso's Copyright Compliance and Resolution: Safeguarding Intellectual Property Rights.

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